Aurreratua Génifique Eye and Face Duo Aurreratua Génifique Eye and Face Duo Aurreratua Génifique Eye and Face Duo Aurreratua Génifique Eye and Face Duo Aurreratua Génifique Eye and Face Duo Aurreratua Génifique Eye and Face Duo Aurreratua Génifique Eye and Face Duo Aurreratua Génifique Eye and Face Duo

Aurreratua Génifique Eye and Face Duo

Génifique balio-sorta aurreratua, gure salduen den Aurpegiko Serum eta Begietako Kremaren tamaina osoak barne, Bifidus Prebiotic, Cg bitamina eta azido hialuronikoarekin formulatua.
Balio-multzo honek barne hartzen ditu:
AURPEGI SERUM GÉNIFIQUE AURRERATUA 2,5 oz: Bifidus prebiotikoarekin, Cg bitaminarekin eta azido hialuronikoarekin formulatua, larruazaleko ehundura nabarmen leuntzeko, hidratatzeko eta berdintzeko.
BEGI-KREMA AURRERATUA GÉNIFIQUEA: berehala leuntzen ditu ildo finak eta zimurrak eta zirkulu ilunak denboran zehar bideratzen ditu begiak distiratsuagoak izateko.
KONTSUMITZAILEAREN EMAITZAK: 1.000 emakume baino gehiagotan probatua*
Aste 1 igaro ondoren:
• % 89 ados dago larruazala distiratsuagoa dela
• % 89 ados dago larruazaleko ehundura leunagoa dela
4 asteren buruan:
• % 90 ados dago larruazaleko itxura orokorra eta kalitatea hobetzen dela
• % 89. ados azala osasuntsuagoa dela
• % 87 ados azalaren tonua berdinagoa dela
• % 85 ados marra finak itxura murriztua dauka
• Distira % +52 hobetu
• Azalaren ehundura % +57 hobetu
• Elastikotasuna % +50 hobetu da
• Larruazaleko tonuaren berdintasuna % +42 hobetu da
• Lerro finak nabarmen murriztu dira % -42
*Etnia anitzeko autoebaluazioaren emaitzetan oinarrituta, 1.127 emakumerekin egindako 4 asteko kontsumitzaileen azterketa batean
**Kalifikazio klinikoa, 8 astetan erabilitako emaitzak, 34 emakumeak.


    2024-03-01 17:47

    HU / setlla

    They are definitely my favorite. Perfectly suitable for my skin type, I have sensitive skin, this product is very stable, lightweight, and easy to absorb. Compared to other's brand, they are more refreshing, it has been used for seven to eight years, and stick to this combination

    2024-01-30 11:25

    UK / Carolyn

    Best for my daily routine.

    2024-01-22 12:55

    MY / Allison

    Perfect !!

    2023-10-01 09:08

    US / Anne

    Lancome's products have very good reputation, It can fade dark circles, repair and resist early aging.


    Light-stable VC + buckwheat seed extract resists oxidation and brightens the eye area; 10.7% bifida yeast and prebiotic essences fade fine lines around the eyes and resist early aging.


    Unique yogurt texture, 24-hour high moisturizing, all-day moisturizing, fade fine dry lines, safe ingredients, and suitable for sensitive eye areas.

    2023-09-02 14:38

    IT / Amandaa

    It's just nice to layer my make up after that.

    2023-08-14 09:31

    KR / ethan

    Package arrived fast and well packed, would buy again.

    2023-07-23 13:10

    GR / Zora

    I have tried so many other products, this face serum and eye cream works the best for my dark circles and tone.

    and I pretty like refreshing and non sticky texture, it absorb fast, most importantly, it contains retinol, helps to lighten fine lines and tighten skin.

    2023-06-18 16:09

    US / Nicole

    Ingredients are great, and it smooths wrinkles, only it's too quickly to use it up.

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