Lip Comfort Oil Ezpainen Olio Hidratante eta Plumping Lip Comfort Oil Ezpainen Olio Hidratante eta Plumping Lip Comfort Oil Ezpainen Olio Hidratante eta Plumping Lip Comfort Oil Ezpainen Olio Hidratante eta Plumping Lip Comfort Oil Ezpainen Olio Hidratante eta Plumping Lip Comfort Oil Ezpainen Olio Hidratante eta Plumping Lip Comfort Oil Ezpainen Olio Hidratante eta Plumping Lip Comfort Oil Ezpainen Olio Hidratante eta Plumping Lip Comfort Oil Ezpainen Olio Hidratante eta Plumping Lip Comfort Oil Ezpainen Olio Hidratante eta Plumping

Lip Comfort Oil Ezpainen Olio Hidratante eta Plumping

Gure Lip Comfort Oil enblematikoaren aro berri bat, landare-olio hirukote batekin birformulatua, Sweetbriar Rose olio organikoa barne, ezpainak biziberritzen, erosotzen eta babesten laguntzeko, egun osoko hidratazio eta elikadurarekin nabarmen kargatzen diren bitartean. Ezpainen zainketa hidratatzaile honek ezpainak musu ematen ditu kolore kutsu eta ispilu-itxurako distira batekin.
Landare-olio hirukote batekin aberastutako ezpain-olio elikagarria ezpainak elikatzeko, erosotzeko eta nabarmen potoloak emateko, kolore distira handiko babes-ezkutua ematen duen bitartean.Produktuaren xehetasunak
Gure Lip Comfort Oil enblematikoaren aro berri bat, landare-olio hirukote batekin birformulatua, Sweetbriar Rose olio organikoa barne, ezpainak biziberritzen, erosotzen eta babesten laguntzeko, egun osoko hidratazio eta elikadurarekin nabarmen kargatzen diren bitartean. Ezpainen zainketa hidratatzaile honek ezpainak musu ematen ditu kolore kutsu eta ispilu-itxurako distira batekin. Olio girotuaren ehundura leunki irristatzen da ezpainen gainean, are arinagoa eta ez itsaskorra duen sentsazioarekin, efektu kuxin eta kuxin bat ematen duena. Clarins-en larruazala zaintzeko gaitasun berarekin garatua, ezpainen tratamendu intentsiboko olio hau jatorri naturaleko % 93ko osagaiekin formulatuta dago, larruazala hidratatzeko, erosotzeko eta kolore eta distira muxu huts batekin. Arduraz bildutako landare-olio naturalez osatutako hirukote indartsuak -- Sweetbriar Rose olio organiko BERRIA, Jojoba olio organikoa eta Hur-olioa -- hidratatzen eta elikatzen duen ezpain-olio potoloa sortzen du. Ezpainak etengabe babestuta, berehala lasaitu eta leunagoak sentitzen dira, itxura ederragoarekin, biluzik daudenean ere.* Pakete dotore eta berri batean eguneratuta, gure belaki makurdun aplikatzaile ezagunak ezpainen ingerada besarkatzen ditu ezpainen sentsazioa uzten duen aplikazio zehatza eta irristakorra lortzeko. distira ultra distiratsuarekin kokatuta. 10 tonu hutsetan eskuragarri - - pH erreaktiboko 5 tonu barne (03 gerezi, 04 pitaya, 05 abrikot, 08 marrubia eta 10 aran) ezpainen itxura pertsonalizatua lortzeko, zurea. Gehiago girotua zaintzeko, eztiaren itzala (01) gaueko lo egiteko maskara gisa erabil daiteke. *Asebetetze proba - 106 emakume - 14 egun Sariak: ● Allure Best of Beauty Awards - Ezpainen olio onena (2022) ● Oprah Daily Beauty O-Wards - Ezpainen olio onena (2022)


    2024-10-21 20:32

    US / Brianna Moore

    I think I've found my go-to lip oil-chocolate color. It's so pretty on my lips while gives hydration for a few hours. The gloss lasts at least an hour, yet it continues to hydrate my lips. while the shade still stays on for several hours, I carry it with me wherever I go so I can reapply after drinking or dining out. The tube is cute, looks expensive.

    2024-09-18 16:22

    ES / ladyjosefa

    Great moisturizer and made my lips so soft and plump and effect stays on for pretty long, and were suprised to find out the color that look really good on me. currently I have cherry and definitely will return to order other colors.

    2024-06-10 18:07

    IE / Deirdre

    Honestly I love the versatility of this product, you can use it over your lips with makeup or alone, or overnightly use it as a lip balm, it feels hydrating and nourishing on your lips. I'd never tried lip oil before, but as my skin has become drier, the matte lipstick that once looked beautiful set in lines. Clarins product really delivers its natural formula with non-sticky thin texture. The tinted pink cherry speaks anything expect fragrance, I didn't expect it a little strong, if you're sensitive to fragrances, this might not be the product for you.

    2024-05-19 20:14

    DE / Nele

    Lovely lip oil. It does have a little stickiness, but still feel so good on lips, nice color and bottle, the packageing is nice, will definitely buy more.

    2024-02-06 18:53

    UK / Lil Cooper

    I love this product, it's been a daily must-have ever since I first tried it. It goes on so smooth and provides just the right amount of shine and hydration. It's also subtle and clear, goes everything with a soft color, and my lips doesn't feels sticky. I've used it for over a season and have noticed it's very soothing at night. A little of this product goes a long way.

    2023-10-25 19:48

    PL / Zofia

    This lip oil has incredible shine with moisture that my lips absolutely absessed. My lips prone to dry in dry climate, this product is provide extra hydration to lips upon use, gives a lovely gloss over my lipstick. The application is slippery without any stickiness. The only thing is color can smudge like I've seen in many lip oils, but still offers the best nourishment.

    2023-09-03 01:52

    SK / Jan152

    A staple in my bag. The moisture instantly filled in, it matches perfectly with my matte lipstick on the top, and it's great for casual look.

    2023-05-12 16:35

    US / N B

    My lips can't get enough of this honey spa after showing, I thought it would be kind of sticky, but it doesn't. It's super soothing and hydrated, I like to apply thicker layer before going to sleep, so next morning I can wake up with really soft lips. The touch of color is another aspect that I love, it pairs well with my favorite lipstick, adding a beautiful gloss. Highly recommend it!

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