Serum bikoitza begia - Begi azpian estutzeko krema Serum bikoitza begia - Begi azpian estutzeko krema Serum bikoitza begia - Begi azpian estutzeko krema Serum bikoitza begia - Begi azpian estutzeko krema Serum bikoitza begia - Begi azpian estutzeko krema Serum bikoitza begia - Begi azpian estutzeko krema Serum bikoitza begia - Begi azpian estutzeko krema Serum bikoitza begia - Begi azpian estutzeko krema Serum bikoitza begia - Begi azpian estutzeko krema

Serum bikoitza begia - Begi azpian estutzeko krema

Mundu osoan salduen dugun Double Serum*-n inspiratuta, Clarins-ek Double Serum Eye BERRIA aurkezten du: indarrez betetako bi serum formula kontzentratu batean tenpluz tenplu funtzionatzen duena begien eremua nabarmen leuntzeko, sendotzeko, hidratatzeko eta biziberritzeko, adinaren aurkako emaitzekin. 7 egunetan**.
Begien tratamendua 2 serum indartsuekin bakarrean, 13 landare-estrakturekin formulatua, zahartzearen seinale ikusgarri guztiei aurre egiteko, begi gazteagoak izateko. Produktuaren xehetasunak
Mundu osoan salduen dugun Double Serum*-n inspiratuta, Clarins-ek Double Serum Eye BERRIA aurkezten du: indarrez betetako bi serum formula kontzentratu batean tenpluz tenplu funtzionatzen duena begien eremua nabarmen leuntzeko, sendotzeko, hidratatzeko eta biziberritzeko, adinaren aurkako emaitzekin. 7 egunetan**. Landare-oinarritutako formula honek jatorri naturaleko % 96 osagai eta 13 landare-estraktu indartsu ditu, besteak beste, landare-estraktu indartsuen Gazte-Preserba-Duo BERRIA, Chervil Basa Organikoa eta Turmeric, zahartzearen aurkako onurengatik bereziki hautatuak begien eremu delikatuari aurre egiteko. Ehundura arina eta bi faseko elikadura berehalako bultzada ematen du begi leunagoak eta distiratsuagoak erabiltzeko, erabilera bakoitzaren ondoren. Bi faseko formulak gel baten tentze-efektua eta krema baten erosotasuna konbinatzen ditu, begiak berehala makillajea aplikatzeko prestatzen dituen tratamendu freskagarri eta arina sortzeko. Botilaren sakagailu birakari bereziak zure larruazaleko beharretarako dosi pertsonalizatua ematen du. Formula leuna adin guztietarako egokia da, etnia guztietarako eta azal mota guztietarako —ukipen lenteak erabiltzen dituztenentzat eta begi sentikorrak dituztenentzat barne— eta birziklatutako materialekin egindako botila batean dator. Sariak: Cosmopolitan's Holy Grail Beauty Awards - Begietako serum onena (2022) Harper's Bazaar Anti-Aging Skincare saria - Begietako serum onena (2022) Esquire Grooming Saria - Begietako produktu onena (2022) *Clarinsen barne-datuetan oinarrituta, Suero bikoitzeko sorta, urtarrila -2023ko abendua. **Asebetetze proba - etnia anitzeko panela - 375 emakume - 7 egun.


    2024-10-11 18:25

    NL / Corrie

    This serum is pricey, but it's great for mature skin. I was lucky to understand the importance of skincare from a young age and have been careful to take care of my skin. It has all the natural ingredients that I value more in my daily regimen. It doesn't take much, a single pump around the eyes and the double serum on my face each day really helps preventing wrinkles. I am 47 years old, an age when supposed to have wrinkles, but I look wrinkle free. I also love their subtle botanical perfume, it very nice.

    2024-08-12 20:31

    CA / Lydia

    The Double Eye Serum has magically transferomed my eye in just a short time. Although wrinkles aren't all gone, they're unnoticeable if I don't take a closed look, allow me smile confidently. Plus a bit of dark circles also diminished, and eyelids feels tighter.

    2024-06-18 01:46

    FR / Jeanne

    I like to use Clarins eye serum nightly to revitalize my eyes in the morning. Serum is light and hydrated, and the original design allow to choose small amount is just so nice, so the bottle can last for a long while, great results would highly recommend.

    2024-05-13 22:56

    US / Natalia11

    This is the best eye serum out there in the market that you can find. The packing is luxurious, not to mention it has comprehensive ingredients that coordinates with each other well on skin, so the effect might be enhanced, I feel my eyes are firmer and smoother, I am so loving it!

    2024-03-21 15:45

    SG / Marie Z

    I love this eye serum. The texture is fresh, moisturizes my eyes, my skin is dry and my eyes are drier, this serum helps to smooth some fine lines. Sometimes I also use it on my face and it works good.

    2023-12-02 23:51

    TR / Ceylan

    Very pleasant serum I've never thought I'd use for quite a few years to skin around my eyes, make eye looking smooth and dewy.

    2023-11-29 17:06

    BE / Lucie

    The fragrance is very pleasant to smell and not overwhelming. The serum keeps my eye supple, making me looking 10 years younger.

    2023-09-14 21:27

    FR / Reine

    I've been using this since the time it's on the market, this product works wonders over so many years, I switched it for freshness, but it came back with no one beat it, my eyes look fabulous!!!

    2023-08-23 15:18

    KR / Geoah

    It wasn't take too long to show the difference and I really like it. This is the second bottle, the only flaw is that there's always a bit amount remains at the bottom can't be pressed out.

    2023-05-07 18:52

    PL / Leon h

    The instant effect created to me were unexpected. I'm in love with the way it feels on my skin, it's been great in depuffing and bring back my natural look.

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