Body Fit Active Skin Smoothing aditua Body Fit Active Skin Smoothing aditua Body Fit Active Skin Smoothing aditua Body Fit Active Skin Smoothing aditua Body Fit Active Skin Smoothing aditua Body Fit Active Skin Smoothing aditua Body Fit Active Skin Smoothing aditua Body Fit Active Skin Smoothing aditua

Body Fit Active Skin Smoothing aditua

60 urteko gorputza moldatzeko espezialitatearen emaitza - gure gel-krema leuntzaile ikonikoa birformulatu egin da, nabarmen altxatzeko, estutzeko + tonua emateko, eta hanketan, izterretan, sabelean eta aldaketan zelulitisaren itxura bideratzen duen bitartean itxura dotoreago bat izateko.
Gel-krema inguratzaile bat, azala leuntzen duena eta zelulitisa tratatzen duen bitartean nabarmen altxatzen, estutzen eta tonifikatzen duena.Produktuaren xehetasunak
60 urteko gorputza moldatzeko espezialitatearen emaitza - gure gel-krema leuntzaile ikonikoa birformulatu egin da, nabarmen altxatzeko, estutzeko + tonua emateko, eta hanketan, izterretan, sabelean eta aldaketan zelulitisaren itxura bideratzen duen bitartean itxura dotoreago bat izateko. Clarins-en Skin Smoothing Power Complex BERRIA esklusiboarekin (Matcha Tea Organic Extract* + Landare Kafeina) eta helburudun 6 landare-estrakturekin formulatua, tratamendu honek gorputzaren ingerada birdefinitzen laguntzen du eta zelulitisaren itxura murrizten du. Clarins-en Cryo-Active Technologyk ehundura arin ultrasensoriala ematen du, azala berehala hozten duena, berehalako lifting efektua lortzeko. Adikzio freskagarria eta erosoa, gel-krema hau zure eguneroko jardueren emaitzak hobetzeko bikote ezin hobea da. Jatorri naturaleko %96ko osagaiekin formulatua, formula berri honek modu arduratsuan hartutako landareen indarra aprobetxatzen du ingerada ikusgarria izateko. Aplikatu Clarins-en 3 urratseko drainatze-metodo profesionala erabiliz, etxean spa-kalitatezko emaitzak lortzeko. *Osagai ekologikoak Europako araudiaren arabera ekoizten dira (CE 2018/848).


    2024-08-13 19:50

    SK / Eliška

    This is my favorite lotion to use after exercise. Invigorating scent, menthol cooling sensation, gel-cream textures goes on really smooth on my limbs, and make my skin glow in appearance. The ingredient is bit strong for sensitive skin, but in return you see a great results. Highly recommend.

    2024-07-12 17:49

    US / Harperni

    I love using Body Fit cream it made an instant difference. It leaves my skin felt smooth with nice finish and the menthol smells fresh to me.

    2024-05-26 15:24

    KR / Hyun J

    I've given it a try for two weeks, and I'm not convienced about the results. I've seen many positive reviews it works great for them, but it may not for me, anyways it's a good moisturizer with a refreshing mint scent, not strong, that's all I can say.

    2024-03-16 04:02

    NL / Laylaccc

    After using many body products, I'm literally thrilled with this one, it's exactly what I've dreamed to have. It has changed my skin to brighter and toned even, I have sensitive skin, this has been tested mild, it is absolutely a decent body lotion out there. 

    2023-12-04 20:45

    NO / Ingerw

    I appreciate the cream has a subtle fragrance which has made my day vigor. I noticed a amazing difference with continued use of it, it leaves my skin so soft and smoother right away, and my body feels tighter, I really love this body cream.

    2023-10-28 16:32

    LT / Stanislava

    The bottle is not sizable enough to see the difference, at least not yet. The feeling so far is nice, I would like to try another tube to check the coming results.

    2023-09-11 01:14

    CA / Bitna

    Clarins' Body Fit Active Skin Smoothing Expert truely impressive, I like to use it after shower and the tingling sensation relaxes me. After fews weeks with it, my body skin has improved and seem hydrated, I'll definitely recommend it.

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