Mascara Duo ezinbestekoaMascara Duo ezinbestekoaMascara Duo ezinbestekoaMascara Duo ezinbestekoa
Bobbi Brown

Mascara Duo ezinbestekoa

Mascara Duo ezinbestekoa
Gure mascara bolumen salduenaren dosi bikoitza. Kohl-pigmentatutako formula honek drama handia ematen du betile beltz eta bolumendunak berehala sortuz, zure begi ketuaren makillajearen osagarri aproposa. Gainera, iraupen luzeko maskarak ezusteko, zikinen, izerdiaren eta hezetasunaren aurka mantentzen du. Multzoak barne hartzen ditu: • Tamaina osoko 2 Smokey Eye Mascara (5,9 ml bakoitza) NOLA FUNTZIONAMENDUA Astindu oso ausartak eta dramatikoak sortzen ditu. Iraupen luzeko formula bat dauka, ez du ezkutuko edo zikinduko eta izerdiarekiko eta hezetasunarekiko erresistentea. Itxura bolumen handikoa lortzeko betileen bidez orrazten ditu uniformeki sustraietatik muturreraino, eta eskuilaren punta konikodunak iristeko zailak diren ile txikiak hartzen dituen bitartean.
Eskuila oinarritik betileen puntetara eta errepikatu nahi duzun moduan.
Osagaiak: Ura\Aqua\Eau, Erle-argizaria\Cera Alba\Cire D'Abeille, Copernicia Cerifera (Carnauba) Argizaria\Cera Carnauba\Cire De Carnauba, Cichorium Intybus (Txikoria) Sustrai-Estraktua, Helianthus Annuus (Eguzki-lorea) Haziaren Argizaria, Stearic Azido , Azido palmitikoa, Propanodiola, Trietanolamina, Nylon 6/12, Galactoarabinan, Caprylyl Glicol, Aminometil Propanediol, Caesalpinia Spinosa Goma, Acacia Senegal Goma, Potasio Sorbato, Azido Miristikoa, Azido Behenikoa, Azido Arakidikoa, [+/Azido Oleoxidikoa, Mika, titanio dioxidoa (Ci 77891), burdin oxidoak (Ci 77499), burdin oxidoak (Ci 77492), burdin oxidoak (Ci 77491), bismuto oxikloruroa (Ci 77163), horia 5 (Ci 19140), urdina (Ci) 420 (Ci) , Blue 1 Lake (Ci 42090), Ultramarines (Ci 77007), Ferriko Ferroyanuroa (Ci 77510), Karmina (Ci 75470), Manganeso Bioleta (Ci 77742), Kromo Hidroxido Berdea (Ci 77289), Kromo Oxidoa (Ci 77289) , Yellow 5 Lake (Ci 19140)] Kontuan izan osagai zerrendak noizean behin aldatu edo alda daitezkeela. Mesedez, kontsultatu jasotzen duzun produktuaren paketean dagoen osagaien zerrenda eguneratuena lortzeko. Ikusi gutxiago


    2024-07-07 16:47

    SE / JoseH

    BB mascara doesn't shed around the eyes and easy to goes on/gets off, doesn't have irritation, I have been using it for long while, I've always immediately after use.

    2024-05-24 22:29

    NL / Julia

    This is the best waterproof mascara I've ever used. It lasts all day without flaking, yet only lift eye lashes longer, remove smoothly with cleanser by the end of day, I don't have hard time with cleansing. Highly recommend to my friends and will surely come back after use of this one.

    2024-04-06 19:46

    SK / Maša

    Must-Have Mascara Duo is my magic wand for eyes. It does a great job of fanned out my eyes without smudges for luminous look, the taper can easily grips inner and outer lashes.

    2024-02-28 17:19

    ES / Lolita

    I have reordered this because I love this mascara create a volumed & separated eyelashes, made my eyes look fabulous, it went off easily with a cleanser, it's ideal for extra sensitive eyes.

    2023-12-16 17:10

    FR / Fabienne

    I always have this mascara in my bag when I'm out. It's easy to coat a smokey eye mascara, lengthens my lashes without clumping, my skin around eyelashes is delicate but it isn't harsh to wear it.

    2023-09-30 02:16

    UK / Celestia

    I have decent amount of eye lashes, but it's very short and always point downwards, this genuinely keeps them lifted longer and lengthens it without flaking, I don't have awful time to take it off.

    2023-06-02 22:43

    US / Karen

    Hands down. This mascara really lengthens my lashes, usually I put on four coats, it's definitely my favorite.

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